**What is an icebreaker? ** A set of questions, games, or activities intended to soften the atmosphere within a group of people, making them feel more comfortable to communicate freely.
3. They help newbies feel like part of the team
Inevitably, you’ll have a couple of newbies among the throng at your company event. While many of the team members will likely have already known each other for some time, newbies have a whole new world to discover. Having everyone play a “get to know you” type game will take all your team members on a journey of discovery together, taking the pressure off the newbie to tackle this on their own.4. They usually start the day off with laughter
Chances are, the event that you’ve planned is pretty content-heavy. An offsite, for example, will likely entail a day of presentations, brainstorming, and workshops. And yes, those activities certainly are fun and mentally stimulating - but they can be quite a lot. Starting the day off with laughter is the perfect way to get everyone motivated and in the mood for what’s to come.5. They’ll usually make for a great anecdote later
One of the benefits of team events is that they foster a sense of belonging and bonding among teams. A key component of that is having a shared experience and a memory to talk about after the fact. Hearing a funny story from your VP of Growth, for example, about how he loves to sing along to Encanto is something employees are likely to remember and talk about for some time after the event. That just keeps this friendly, social atmosphere going for longer!Strictly professional questions
- What was your first job?
- What’s the best team-building activity you participated in?
- What do you wish people told you as a new employee?
- What’s the most important aspect of our company culture for you?
- How do you like to introduce yourself when you join a new team?
- Do you prefer remote work, hybrid, or on-site?
- What’s your favorite company event of the year?
- What did you want to be when you were growing up?
- What’s the most inspiring thing someone at work told you?
- Are you more of a Mac or Windows person?