Case Study Eu Business School

EU Business School

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International offices
Higher education

How does the EU Business School achieve such huge savings with TravelPerk flexible travel?


The EU Business School is one of QS’ and Forbes’ highest-ranking international business schools, with more than 27,000 students enrolled in its innovative business MBA, Marketing, Finance, and AI courses at its Barcelona, Geneva, and Munich campuses and also online.
The school urgently needed to manage its travel expenses more dynamically and efficiently. This was especially true for the sales team, who travel around the world recruiting international students. Nevertheless, the travel agency that it used to work with was making this more challenging with Agre:
  • Limited flexibility, which made travel costs skyrocket: Last-minute meetings and events, as well as changes of plans and priorities Being able to cancel a same-day flight without the usual fees was a must for the sales team. They were only able to save money by booking further in advance to be able to easily cancel if their schedules changed.
  • Endless booking processes: It would take a whole day to organize and book a trip with the agency. They had to send infinite emails and requests, suggestions, changes of plan, and documentation. The EU Business School needed to take control of its travel plans so it could enjoy better offers and book instantly. What’s more, the travel agency was only open from Monday to Friday, so the school wasn’t able to make bookings on weekends. They couldn’t make cancellations agon weekends either, even if that would have meant avoiding higher cancellation fees.
  • Zero control for the school’s travel and finance teams: “We couldn’t see where our staff were at any given moment. We couldn’t see anything,” says Carles, Sales Manager. “Moreover, we had no visibility or control over the details of the trips we were organizing, the budget we were managing, or compliance with core policies. Taking hold of unnecessary costs and making strategic decisions to optimize travel budgets were practically impossible.”


The EU Business School chose TravelPerk, a comprehensive corporate travel management platform, so they could finally book in record time and stay in budget. Even better, the tool offers all the flexibility that the EU Business School needs to save more and cancel trips at the last minute, with a refund in 7 days.
I don’t have to wait anymore because I can book trips far in advance and save money. If it turns out that I can’t go, I cancel the trip and get my money back.
Carles Ibars, EU Business School Sales Manager


TravelPerk is here to shake up the way the EU Business School manages its trips. Now it can kiss goodbye to having no control over its finances, as well as the monumental costs incurred by working with its old travel agent.

More flexible travel with refunds of up to 80%

The FlexiPerk program is so profitable for the EU Business School that they contracted the service for the whole company. Now the team can book trips in advance or when the booking is cheapest, and they have the peace of mind of being able to cancel last-minute, no questions asked.
This translates into a saving of €66,000 from trips canceled in 2023.
What was it like before TravelPerk came along? The school had to wait for the trip to be confirmed, so they could only book a week or two in advance and they ended up paying more for booking last minute.

96% faster bookings without tricks or traps

The sales department, administrative team and academic team now have direct access to the industry-leading corporate inventory with prices at home and abroad that have already been negotiated for companies. What better way to immediately know whether a trip is worth it or not and book instantly? Even on weekends.
“With TravelPerk, we can make a booking in 20 minutes rather than needing a whole day like we did before,” Carles says. He is ready to say goodbye to tedious booking processes and radically increase his team’s productivity.

Complete control with precise reporting

TravelPerk replaces the reporting system provided by the expenditure platform the school previously used, which left a lot to be desired. It provides a comprehensive solution that gives financial and travel management teams more valuable and actionable information so they can identify opportunities to improve trips and, above all, save money in the process.
While the finance team is able to download all the expenses on a single invoice and immediately see where VAT can be recovered, travel management teams can enforce policies and apply budget limits to bookings, as well as access interactive maps to see where their teams are in real time. The days when the school lost sight of its travelers are long gone.

What TravelPerk functionality does it use?

Our technology connects the Barcelona school to its 3 European campuses and helps coordinate its international travelers.
  • Flexible booking: Book and cancel trips when you’d like for a refund of at least 80%.
  • Real-time cost control : See all the costs of a trip in the same place to make sure you don’t go over budget and optimize money for future trips.
  • 24/7 customer service : Receive continuous support from real people for your bookings, changes of plans, cancellations, and other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Centralized invoicing : Simplify your money management with a single invoice displaying all the costs of your trip.
  • Access the industry-leading corporate inventory : Book flights, accommodation, rental cars and trains in an instant and for prices previously negotiated for your company, whether you’re staying close to home or traveling abroad.
  • Real-time trip monitoring : Easily locate your team wherever they are and keep a record of all the bookings, activities, methods of transport used, and policy compliance.

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