Case Study Outfittery


Time saved
Monthly trips
International offices

Outfittery is transforming men's fashion

Anytime you’re dealing with that much growth in a young company, there are going to be unforeseen challenges and moments of uncertainty.
Outfittery’s workforce has increased by more than 30%, in less than five months. And with growth comes growing pains.
"Anytime you’re dealing with that much growth in a young company, there are going to be unforeseen challenges and moments of uncertainty."
Things that didn’t require official procedures before, now had to be standardized. Office management was wasting valuable hours checking prices on dozens of different websites to find the best rates. Every flight and hotel was booked and paid for separately, which resulted in hundreds of emails and scattered invoices. No matter the Excel prowess, it became a nightmare to keep track and report back to finance efficiently. It also got hard to provide the best service to travelers with so much extra work. On top of that, there was never any support for travelers when something inevitably went wrong.
In short, it became stressful and peak travel times were overwhelming for the office team. This was particularly true because besides managing travel, an office team still has many other responsibilities, including the planning and organization of Outfittery’s semi-annual company-wide event for all 300 employees.
Something had to change. She realised that in order to cope with the increasing amount of employee travel, it was not enough to be extremely organized and efficient anymore. With Outfittery growing so fast, Lisa needed a solution to keep business travel under control and provide travelers with the flexibility and service they needed without having to hire a new travel management team or travel agency.
That was the moment of truth: TravelPerk handled the job of getting everyone from our international offices back to Berlin on-time and on-budget.

Centralizing Travel Management with TravelPerk

Outfittery transferred to TravelPerk to manage all the company’s travel needs, from booking to reporting, all in one single place.
All trips are being booked through the platform, with all expenses billed to the company credit card. The office team can easily manage all the the companies travel information, preferences, payment methods and invoices in one place and always find the best rates directly on the platform. Travelers can use airlines, such as Lufthansa or Air Berlin, to take advantage of their platinum status upgrades, receive bonus points, and gift cards, which the company then passes onto their employees as rewards for their hard work.

Result: Less Overhead, More Visibility, 60% Time Saved

So, what’s changed? The office team is free of the stress and hassle of managing everyone’s travel. On a regular basis TravelPerk saves the team 3-4 hours a day on regular corporate travel planning and allows them to provide instant visibility to the finance department.
The new process produces a lot less email, which has helped tremendously in cutting down traveler frustration. The biggest revelation was handing over responsibility for travel to the Berlin summer party to the travelers themselves. Thanks to TravelPerk’s special group bookings service, travel for the entire group was taken care of, end-to-end, saving the office team significant effort and allowing her to focus on organizing the actual summer party. The company’s growth trajectory has shown no signs of slowing down. With a fresh investment round and aggressive revenue growth, Outfittery’s headcount and corresponding travel needs will continue to expand. With Travelperk, they can focus on their business knowing their business travel needs are covered.

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