Case Study Storyblok


Monthly trips
International offices
Linz, Austria & Delaware, USA – both virtual

How Storyblok saves time and money by creating a clear structure for travel booking

Storyblok: a remote company ready to revolutionize content management with their modern CMS

Storyblok is a content management system (CMS) that provides brands, developers and content creators the possibility to create a flawless, unique content experience and bring their digital marketing to a whole new level. As a so-called headless CMS, Storyblok separates the backend as the technical system component from the frontend, which decides how the content is displayed. The company’s mission is to establish a flexible, scalable tool that can simply be individualized and adapted to any digital channel.
Storyblok was founded in Austria and launched as a prototype in 2015, but it was – as said in Storyblok’s founder’s story – made for the world. That’s why within a few years, the company has gained more than 200 employees from all over the world. Due to Storyblok’s remote-first mentality, which matches their strive for flexibility and boundlessness, team members are spread across more than 40 countries. This decentralization makes business travel a big deal – be it for conferences and events, C-level meetings, expansion or customer connection.

Facing the difficulties of an unstructured travel booking process

When Storyblok started its business journey, the amount of business trips was quite manageable. There is no headquarters in the sense of an office where people are coworking, nor does the industry or the product itself require a lot of business travel. However, as the company has grown and keeps expanding, the volume of business travel reached a level where the need for a business travel partner became more and more inevitable:
  1. No established booking process: Travelers used to book their business trips individually and directly on differing websites. Storyblok’s travel and finance managers were in charge of the reimbursement process as well as checking manually whether the deals that travelers had booked matched with the company’s current budget.
  2. Overload instead of efficiency: More travelers led to more trips and therefore more work for Storyblok’s travel management: in the end, managing, reviewing and reimbursing business travel expenses for an entire team got too time-consuming.
  3. Missing company travel policy: Self-booking doesn’t have to be a red flag at all. But besides employees booking their own business trips, Storyblok didn’t have any guidelines on payment methods, spending limits or even approval processes. This lack of a concrete travel policy made the entire travel management process complicated and lengthy.

TravelPerk: a dynamic, customisable and time-saving travel management tool for future-proof companies

In order to handle the increasing number of business trips and start saving both time and money, Storyblok decided to reorganize their business travel management with TravelPerk. The all-in-one travel management platform enables travelers to book their business trips autonomously by guiding them through an intuitive booking process that covers all aspects – from flight to hotel and beyond. At the same time, TravelPerk gives the company full control, transparency and a basis for trust through approval processes, individual policies, detailed data and real time support.
The best thing about TravelPerk is that it saves time, while making sure you can control the budget and give people freedom. It’s a 21st century tool. I used to work with agencies, and would rather forget those experiences. They’re obsolete and old-fashioned. I love the modern approach TravelPerk takes. It’s good for everyone.Michal Zadrobilek & Daniela Merizalde Usuga
Expense Manager & Travel Manager at Storyblok
Michal Zadrobilek & Daniela Merizalde Usuga Expense Manager & Travel Manager at Storyblok_**

Fully customisable to specific destinations and partnerships

As Storyblok’s team is growing rapidly, so is the importance and frequency of business travel. Besides having team members in numerous European countries, the company is also expanding in the US. Consequently, they need individual settings and workflows for versatile destinations on both continents, which differ a lot from one another when it comes to booking habits and local specifics.
  • With TravelPerk, Storyblok can use one single tool for two totally different travel markets. For this purpose, they set up two separate company profiles: one for the European market and one for the US. This makes it way easier to automatically consider the differing, market-specific requirements within the booking process.
  • Especially in the US, many hotels offer loyalty programs. By collecting fidelity points, frequent travelers benefit from discounted conditions, such as special prices, room upgrades or free goodies. By integrating these benefit programs, TravelPerk encourages travelers to stay where they feel most comfortable.
  • As an established travel management company, TravelPerk itself has exclusive partnerships with versatile travel providers like hotel chains and airlines.

Time-saving thanks to automated guidelines and seamless integrations

When starting to restructure their business travel management with TravelPerk, Storyblok did not have an explicit travel policy. Business trips were booked by their vice presidents, and costs were only monitored via the company credit card expenditure. This led to a high workload with little budget control.
With the help of TravelPerk’s one-on-one support, Storyblok set up a company travel policy that is automatically implemented into the booking process. These guidelines contain budget limits for various destinations, concrete approval processes, cost centers as well as scopes of application and responsibility.
Furthermore, TravelPerk offers detailed reports on spendings to ensure maximum compliance. Travel and finance managers now have full cost control and transparency within every step of the process, and a valid data basis to continuously improve efficiency, and simply “stay on top of things”.
Another feature that helps managers save time and reduce their workload is the seamless integration of several office tools that TravelPerk offers. Storyblok uses BambooHR and Yokoy for human resource and finance matters for example. Both can be linked to TravelPerk and controlled directly via the platform interface.

Reliable, supportive and willing to grow together

With 230 employees working in more than 40 countries and traveling the world, Storyblok needs a partner that has their back when it comes to uncertainties, questions, travel support or other customer service issues.
  • TravelPerk provides 24/7 customer support that simply works: “99% of the time, our team gets immediate support.” (Michal Zadrobilek, Expense Manager)
  • An interactive tracking feature gives travel managers an overview of all their travelers, while TravelPerk experts all around the world make sure that travelers can move safely and with ease – no matter where they are: “Without TravelPerk, I imagine my role would be very time-consuming. Having to manage travel for so many people in different time zones is a real challenge, so if we didn’t have TravelPerk, I don’t know what would happen.” (Daniela Merizalde Usuga, Travel Manager)
  • Last but not least, the tool itself is continuously striving for improvement, always sticking to a well-known principle that the customer is king: “TravelPerk is dynamic. You can see that it is constantly developing and bringing new features to solve any issues we are facing.” (Michal Zadrobilek, Expense Manager)

What TravelPerk provided

  • Travel management portal
  • Corporate travel policy support
  • Two separate entries for Europe and the US
  • Customisable settings and reporting
  • Loyalty programs and partnerships
  • Seamless integrations
  • 24/7 customer support

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