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How to write a car allowance policy

Given the rise of remote work and flexible work arrangements, a comprehensive car allowance program is essential for modern businesses. This policy should outline reimbursement rates, eligible expenses, and tax implications to ensure fairness and transparency for employees.
While they can be a valuable perk, managing them can be time-consuming. This article delves into the intricacies of car allowance policies, exploring different approaches and considerations for both employees and employers.
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What is a company car allowance policy?

A company car allowance policy details the structure of the budget employees get to cover the costs of driving their personal vehicle to work.Car allowances can be great for staff retention. Whether employees have a long commute to the office or travel frequently for business,  a car allowance  is an enticing perk.
Before crafting your car allowance policy, carefully consider the following:
  • Reimbursable expenses: Determine which vehicle-related costs will be covered, such as fuel, maintenance, insurance, or depreciation.
  • Additional expenses: Identify any other related expenses, like parking fees or tolls.
Every business has unique needs, so your car allowance policy should be tailored accordingly. Consider factors such as budget constraints, vehicle depreciation, insurance costs, and employee roles to create a policy that aligns with your company's objectives.

What is the car allowance policy made up of?

A car allowance policy is made up of multiple sections and will typically be in the travel section of an employment contract. These sections include:
  • An introduction to the policy and the company’s values
  • The eligibility of the employee and the allowance given
  • Mileage allowance rate / mileage logs and provision of car
  • Changes to contract including termination and business expenses processes
  • Safety and duty of care
With these essentials in place, let’s explore the process of creating an effective auto allowance policy that aligns with your company's values and meets the needs of your employees.

Creating an auto allowance policy and examples

There are many different templates for car allowance policies online. As long as you follow the sections mentioned above, you should have no issues missing anything. We’ve broken down the sections into more detail to help, along with some brief examples.

1. Introduction

The introduction to the policy will outline what the document entails and the company’s values that are deemed appropriate to mention. This may refer to how the organization values its employees and the fairness it provides to each staff member.

2. Eligibility

Not every employee will need a car to fulfill their job duties. If this applies to your business, you’ll need to establish an eligibility process. 
Make sure your eligibility policy accounts for seniority and level of employment. An employee’s position within the company usually dictates how much they can receive in car allowance.
For example, you may have executive-level staff that will receive $15,000 whereas a middle management role will get $10,000.
Leasing a car can come with certain requirements, including mileage limits and potential insurance variations. These expenses will be factored into the car allowance. Before deciding, assess if leasing aligns with your business's needs and budget.

3. Mileage allowance rates and car provision

There are certain mileage rates and reimbursements that can be added to the car allowance provided. 
For Fixed Mileage rates, it could look like this: 
  • Standard government rate: This is often the most straightforward option, as it's based on the current government-set rate for business mileage.
  • Custom rate: You can set a custom rate based on factors like the average cost of vehicle ownership and operating expenses in your region.
Under the same section, include the car provision conditions. The car provision explains how it’s the employee’s responsibility for the maintenance, fuel, wear and tear, and general upkeep of the vehicle.

4. Changes to contract

Include a clause in the policy that details the process for making changes to the contract in case of termination. This helps you ensure your business is covered in the event that the car allowance is no longer financially sustainable or required.

5. Duty of care and guidance on safety

An employer has a certain amount of legal and moral responsibility when it comes to ensuring the safety and care of the workforce. When an employee is given a car allowance, there should be guidance on safety and how to handle the vehicle in a manner that reduces the risk of injury or accidents.
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Adding on mileage reimbursement

When offering a car allowance, the cash payment usually covers running costs like fuel and other maintenance costs. Some businesses may wish to also provide a business mileage reimbursement policy, depending on what budget is available. 
Offering business mileage reimbursement may be helpful as some business miles may be tax deductible. This is what’s also known as a Fixed and Variable Rate plan (FAVR), a type of payment allowance designed to reimburse employees who drive their own cars for business purposes. It provides a more equitable reimbursement than simply using a standard mileage rate.
For the US, the mileage reimbursement rate currently sits at 67 cents per mile flat rate whether you’re in California, New York or elsewhere. The standard IRS mileage rate can be found on the IRS website. This figure is updated annually.

Implementing a car allowance policy

Some businesses provide a car allowance through a monthly amount and others as a lump sum. Whether you offer the monthly allowance or all of it in one go, is very much up to you as a business.
When implementing a car allowance policy, it’s important to tailor it to the specific needs of each individual
For some employees, using their own car might be ideal. However, for the business, it could be more advantageous to own its vehicles rather than provide an allowance. Regardless, there are many options available when offering travel benefits within the organization.

Simplify the process of creating a car allowance policy

Remember, a good policy isn't just about the money. It's about fairness, clarity, and making sure your employees feel valued. Keep these tips in mind:
  • Be clear about who's eligible
  • Choose the right mileage rate or reimbursement method
  • Think about tax implications
  • Make sure it's easy to understand and follow
Ready to get started? Grab our free car allowance policy template right now and start creating a policy that works for everyone.
Mileage And Car Allowance Policy Template

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