8 tips to be a more sustainable traveller

02 Jun 2022 · 9
As the effects of climate change become more and more apparent, there is justifiable pressure for all of us to be more conscious of our carbon footprint. Sustainable travel is currently a primary focus for individuals and organisations alike. So how can we be more environmentally conscious and choose options that support local people, protect ecosystems and reduce the negative impacts that travel can bring?
Below we share 8 sustainable travel tips and tricks everyone can employ to become more responsible travellers and ensure our itineraries are more environmentally friendly. So let’s dive in!
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1. Understand your travel habits

Understanding your travel habits and the effect they have on the environment is a great way to reach your emission reduction targets. A service like can help you reach your carbon emissions targets through clear and transparent data. For instance, it can help you break down the carbon emissions for each of your providers so you can choose the most environmentally friendly route for your destination.
A tool like this can also help you identify which of your flight routes are emitting the most carbon. This can provide you with helpful insights on where you can try to find more environmentally-friendly options. For example, imagine that the majority of your company’s business trips take place between London and Paris, and the bulk of those trips are taken on the plane. GreenPerk can help you spot that so you can then replace those flights with Eurostar train journeys and !
When it comes to travelling more sustainably, having reliable information and data is key. With such information, you can start implementing greener travel policies that are easy to comply with and that will make a positive contribution to your company’s reduction goals.
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2. Offset your carbon footprint

Sometimes flying is simply unavoidable. But you can still take steps to be a more sustainable traveller when travelling by plane. Carbon offsetting is one way to go about this as it However, carbon offsetting is just the second thing you should do on your path to sustainable travel. While carbon offsetting is a way to help mitigate the effects of your travel on the environment,
Carbon offsetting works by ascribing a financial figure to each metric tonne of carbon an activity creates. Known as carbon markets, the process effectively generates credits individuals or companies can buy to reduce their emissions.
If you want to do this yourself, the first step is to calculate your carbon footprint to determine how many metric tonnes you need to offset. Afterwards, you can find a non-profit with an environmental project you would like to support and, through a donation, purchase the carbon credits that equal the number of tonnes of C02 you would like to mitigate.
However, finding the right projects to back and calculating your footprint can be tricky. That’s why many companies that can do that for them. Our solution, for example, works with programmes certified by VERRA (Verified Carbon Standard) to ensure every offset is efficient. There are many ways to make a meaningful difference, . These projects are not just great for the environment, but they also support other key Sustainable Development Goals.
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3. Choose low-impact locations

Making more eco-conscious decisions can start with something as simple as your destination. If your final stop isn’t set in stone, consider staying as local as possible. Even a new city or a national park a few hours away can often provide the perfect setting for a quick getaway or even a corporate offsite.
If you are travelling as a group for a business meeting or company getaway, try to select somewhere to stay that reduces your collective mileage.
Another consideration is the type of location you are looking for. Some cities have been awarded for their environmental approaches. Eco-minded destinations like thanks to their water-saving initiatives and public transportation. Others like are striving for carbon neutrality in the coming years.
If you’d rather avoid the big city, look for accommodation or tour operators that promote ecotourism and hire local guides to get the most out of your destination.
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4. Replace flights with rail

One of the easiest ways to dramatically reduce your carbon emissions is to choose to take the train over a short-haul flight. Studies by the EEA revealed that which perhaps goes a long way to explain why many .
In fact, a domestic flight, for example, emits approximately 255 grams of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (Co2e) per passenger per kilometre. A domestic train journey, on the other hand, emits just 41 grams of Co2e per passenger per kilometre!
With more space and a scenic view, opting for the train can not only be a more comfortable journey, but it can also be more productive if you have a tonne of emails to respond to or a report to write. Next time you are eyeing up your options, don’t overlook those without wings!
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5. Walk, use public transport and share vehicles

When it comes to getting around the city you are visiting for business or pleasure, the way you choose to circulate can have an environmental impact. Where possible, taking public transportation or utilising car-sharing services can be a great way to reduce your impact as a traveller. Reducing the number of vehicles is not only more fuel-efficient on an individual level, but it also decreases traffic and overall journey times.
On average, Using public transport can massively reduce your carbon footprint. Opting to , but even carsharing or the type of car you choose can dramatically impact your emissions.
Sharing your journey with just one extra passenger can halve your emissions over each km.
Cycling or walking will always be the most environmentally friendly mode of transport for short and medium trips. Peddling to your destination by bike rather than jumping in the car can
When selecting your accommodation for your next trip, consider staying in the neighbourhoods closest to your intended itinerary. Being able to walk or cycle to your activities has added health benefits while being able to take public buses, trams or trains can help you feel more immersed in your destination.
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6. Jump on the e-wagon

Whether you’re looking to book a taxi because public transportation won’t get you where you need to go, or you’re thinking about renting a car—electric vehicles are an excellent eco-friendly travel option. In fact, emissions over the lifetime of average medium-size BEVs registered today are already lower than comparable gasoline cars by .
What’s more, it’s predicted that there will be . So, why not jump on the bandwagon early and make a point of always trying, where possible, to use an electric car? Whether that’s for a family road trip or an inter-city business trip, by doing so you’ll have a positive impact on driving down your own personal travel carbon footprint as well as those of your company.
Car booking services like and Uber offer users electric options, which can even be pre-ordered if you know when you will need a ride. Thinking ahead and making these small changes to your travel habits will have a meaningful impact on making your travel more sustainable.
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7. Don’t underestimate the little things

It can be easy to overlook the impact of small actions, but they can add up when a group commits to taking them collectively. A few easy changes corporate travellers can make to reduce their carbon footprint include;
  • Go paperless: save natural resources by opting to have your boarding passes and other documents emailed to you or accessible through apps
  • Be conscious of your water consumption: avoid taking long showers and having hotels replace sheets and towels more frequently than you would at home
  • Consider your energy efficiency: turn appliances off standby and make sure the aircon and lights are off when you leave your hotel room
  • Pack light: when flying, bring only what you need for your trip,
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle: avoid single-use plastics wherever possible. Ditch plastic bags, bring your own refillable water bottle and reusable straws and skip generating extra plastic waste by leaving the mini toiletries at your hotel.
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8. Pick local produce

Food production is another major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, One way travellers can counteract these effects is by supporting local businesses. The term 0KM has been working its way into the zeitgeist as consumers increasingly prefer to purchase products from local communities over those imported across the globe.
This movement has been gaining traction in recent years, with trendy restaurants, coffee shops and bars all supporting this tasty approach to sustainability. A quick Google search can pull up delicious 0km options in your destination that will save vital carbon emissions and provide a more authentic travel experience and insights into local culture.
Choosing to buy locally saves on the emissions generated by transportation and reduces the need for preservatives and other methods used to keep food fresh while in transit. Selecting 0KM sources also protects regional ecosystems and supports biodiversity. Plus, it creates jobs and positively impacts the local economy you are visiting.
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