How do traditional travel agencies work?
- Booking flights and other transportation (car rentals, trains, etc)
- Making hotel reservations
- Creating travel itineraries for business trips
- Arranging travel visas
- Ensuring duty of care responsibilities are met
- Working with finance departments to facilitate travel expense processes
- Providing assistance for business travelers
How do modern corporate travel agencies with online platforms work?
- Anyone in your organisation can easily search, book, and manage all flights and accommodation reservations from within TravelPerk’s user-friendly platform
- You have access to an extensive inventory for booking corporate flights and accommodation with competitive rates
- You can bake your travel policy and approval workflows into the platform to ensure compliance
- You can ensure the safety of your travellers at all times with our risk management solution that lets you know where they are at all times and what situations you need to manage
- You and your travellers can access 24/7 support 365 days of the year with a target 15-second response time