Case Study Frontify


Monthly trips
International offices
Brand Management
St. Gallen, Switzerland

How TravelPerk enhances Frontify’s travel management and sustainability efforts

Frontify: Empowering brands with innovative management solutions

Frontify is a powerful brand management platform that helps organizations streamline their branding processes and ensure consistency across all channels. Their digital asset management platform (DAM) provides a central, cloud-based repository for all brand assets, including images, videos, documents, and logos. It allows users to create and maintain comprehensive brand guidelines across all teams, from marketing over HR to development and design. By centralizing all brand-related materials and guidelines, Frontify ensures brand consistency across all touchpoints and channels. Teams can work together more efficiently, regardless of their location, with real-time feedback and shared access to brand resources. Frontify operates in major markets in the US and Europe, including the UK, France, and Germany. It is trusted by leading companies such as Uber, Lufthansa, and VW for managing their brand assets.

The importance of travel for Frontify

For a company like Frontify, which operates in multiple countries, travel ensures that their global teams stay connected and aligned with the company's goals and culture. Regular travel allows employees to collaborate in person, leading to more productive teamwork. Face-to-face interactions are essential for building trust and maintaining relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues. With offices in various locations, new employees also need to travel to complete their onboarding with the company.
Moreover, business travel enables Frontify to expand their market presence. By attending conferences and running workshops, they can showcase their platform, gain insights into market trends, and network with potential clients. This is crucial for generating new business opportunities.

The challenge: Key travel management issues affecting Frontify's sustainability goals

Due to the company’s constant growth and thus increasing volume of travel, the issue of sustainability has become a more present topic within the company in recent years. Particularly with remote work becoming more of a standard, the company had to think more about how they travel and why. Not wanting to sacrifice their company culture and essential in-person connections, Frontify is focusing on promoting greener travel and supporting initiatives for carbon offsetting.
However, to determine the necessary sustainability efforts to reduce environmental impact, companies need a robust system for travel booking and management that provides them with the essential data. Before implementing a travel management tool, Frontify encountered several major challenges that hindered their efficiency and sustainability efforts:
  1. Lack of centralized travel management: Before implementing a travel management tool, Frontify struggled with managing travel arrangements in a centralized manner. This led to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in booking and tracking travel, making it difficult to manage travel expenses and logistics effectively.
  2. Inefficient expense tracking: Without a dedicated travel management system, tracking travel costs was cumbersome and prone to errors. Employees had to manually record and report their travel expenses, leading to delays and inaccuracies in reporting. This made it challenging to maintain visibility & control of travel budgets.
  3. Limited travel policy enforcement: Frontify faced difficulties in enforcing travel policies across the organization. Ensuring compliance with corporate travel policies was challenging, leading to potential overspending and non-compliance with internal guidelines. This lack of control also made it harder to negotiate better rates with travel vendors.
These obstacles made it clear that a more organized approach was necessary to manage business travel effectively. That is where TravelPerk came into play.

The solution: TravelPerk’s centralized all-in-one tool transforming travel management at Frontify

TravelPerk has significantly enhanced Frontify's travel management by providing a centralized booking platform. The platform has made onboarding new employees, managing travel for new contacts, and organizing events much more efficient. On average, TravelPerk saves Frontify around an hour of manual work per week on travel booking alone, which translates to substantial time savings and increased productivity across the company.
I can’t imagine my life without these end-to-end tools. I don’t know how anybody works without this anymore. If you’re still doing things manually, you’re losing out. You’re wasting too much time on processes that could be automated.
Shawn Meredith Roelle, Workplace Experience Specialist at Frontify_**
Additionally, Frontify was able to integrate tools that they were already using into the platform, such as Slack for communication. TravelPerk also provides various invaluable features for travel management, including automated approvals, expense tracking and reporting.

The results: automated travel policies, simple cost tracking and valuable data

Automated policy enforcement

One of the most significant benefits that TravelPerk brought to Frontify was the automation of travel policy enforcement. Before adopting the platform, ensuring compliance with corporate travel policies was a major challenge, often leading to overspending and inconsistencies. With TravelPerk, policies are embedded within the booking process, automatically guiding employees to make compliant choices without the need for constant oversight. This automation not only streamlines booking but also ensures adherence to company guidelines effortlessly. The automated policy also fosters trust between the company and its employees, as they can book their travel with confidence knowing they are within policy guidelines.

Simplified tracking of travel costs

As an addition to their spend management software Yokoy, TravelPerk has greatly simplified travel expense tracking for Frontify, transforming it from a manual, error-prone process into an efficient, automated system. Prior to using the platform, employees had to manually record and report travel expenses, leading to delays and inaccuracies. TravelPerk’s automated system ensures that travel costs are tracked in real-time, reducing administrative burden and improving accuracy. The option to break down travel spend by cost center makes it easy to manage separate budgets, including budgets for events.
Key benefits include:
  • Real-time expense recording: Automatically tracks and records expenses, providing instant visibility into travel spending.
  • Error reduction: Minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual entry, ensuring more accurate expense reports.
  • Timely Reconciliation: Speeds up the process of matching expenses with budgets, making financial management more efficient.
These improvements in expense tracking help Frontify maintain better control over travel budgets and ensure timely and accurate financial reporting.

Insights for more sustainable travel

The platform’s comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities offer valuable insights into travel patterns, expenses, and compliance. This feature has drastically reduced time spent on manual data collection and empowers Frontify to make data-driven decisions. The most important advantages for the company are:
  • Detailed Travel Data: Access to in-depth reports on travel expenses, patterns, and compliance, helping to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Policy Decision Support: Provides insights that inform policy adjustments, such as spending limits and preferred travel options and durations.
  • Sustainability Tracking: Supports sustainability efforts by tracking carbon footprints and promoting greener travel choices.
For example, Frontify uses these insights to further its sustainability initiatives by encouraging eco-friendly travel options and monitoring the environmental impact of their travel activities. The data on carbon emissions is an important factor in the company’s internal climate audits and is crucial for making informed decisions that align with both financial and environmental goals.

What TravelPerk provided

  • Travel management portal
  • Corporate travel policy support
  • Customisable Reporting
  • Spending and policy limits
  • Expense tracking
  • Seamless integrations

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